Wednesday 17 October 2012

SEO Content Strategy Costing You Too Much?

SEO Content Strategy Costing You Too Much?

If you want to be successful out on the world wide web, you need great SEO
content. After all, it's not like you get to have a conversation with your
customers like you do in a brick and mortar store. On the web, your content
is the only chance you have to show that you're an expert, convince people
that you're trustworthy, and explain the features and benefits of your
product to your target audience.

If you're a smart online entrepreneur, you have an SEO content strategy.
After all, one decent article or witty blog post isn't going to cut it. You
need high-quality content - and lots of it - to make your mark online!

But is it possible that, in your zeal to publish all kinds of SEO content,
you're actually spending more money than you should

A lot of people are - and they don't even realize it!

I'm not necessarily talking about paying a writer too much. In fact, there
are plenty of people who think they've come up with an inexpensive SEO
content strategy, when, in reality, it's costing them, an arm and a leg.

Read on, and see if any of these scenarios apply to you:

Scenario #1 - You've found a cheap SEO content writer, but you're not really
saving any money.

Think those $5 articles you're buying are like little "diamonds in the
rough"? Chances are they're costing you way more than $5!

After all, what are the odds that your $5 piece of content is going to
arrive with perfect grammar and no need for any kind of editing? Very, very
slim. After all, when you're cranking out content at that price, the focus
is on getting it done quickly, so that you can try to make a profit. So, the
odds of your writer missing a comma or letting a spelling mistake fall
through the cracks (like using "to" when they really meant to say "two") are

Unfortunately, far too many marketers out there think that they're getting a
real bargain on $5 SEO content - even if it means "cleaning it up a little

Guess what, though. On the web, time is money. So, for every minute you
spend fixing grammar issues and cleaning up your cheap writing, you're
costing yourself money. After all, your time could be better spent
networking with new potential customers, looking for more guest blogging
opportunities, or coming up with an idea for a new product or service.
Instead, you're taking that precious time and spending it on a cheap SEO
content writer.

You're better off paying 4 or 5 times that and being able to publish your
content as-is. That way, you get to use your time for more profitable

Scenario #2 - You've found a high-priced SEO content writer, but you're not
getting a good return on your investment.

If you've always believed that "you get what you pay for," you might be
inclined to go out and get the most expensive writer that you can find.
After all, if they're charging $150 for an article, they must be good,

Not always.

There are plenty of content writers out there who charge an arm and a leg,
but don't give you the goods to back it up. Sure, they may not make the
little mistakes that the cheapos do, but some of them just aren't talented
enough to give you the "sizzle" that you're looking - and paying - for.

As a result, your SEO content doesn't really wow anyone - and you don't
really make a whole lot of sales. At least, you don't make enough sales to
justify the $150 price tag on each article. Remember, good SEO content
writers will be able to give you a good return on your investment. If you
spend $50 on an article - but wind up making $500 off of it - you've just
made 10 times what you spent.

So, before you plunk down a big chunk of change to your writer, make sure he's
really worth it!

Scenario #3 - You've decided that SEO content is nothing more than a facade
for optimization tricks.

You wouldn't believe how many times SEO-types have told me that they can
take so-so content, surround it with optimization tools, tricks, and
techniques, and get plenty of Google love out of it. To me (and, no doubt,
to their readers!), this is nothing more than trying to make chicken salad
out of chicken.. well. you know.

And now, Google sees this practice for what it really is - an attempt to
game the system. Google just announced that it is taking even more steps to
make sure that the cream really does rise to the top, so to speak. That's
why they're focusing less on SEO techniques and more on the meat of the
content on each page. It won't be long before all of those "overly optimized
pages" (Google's words, not mine) sink to the bottom of the search results,
while the pages that provide a quality "user experience" (again, Google's
words, not mine) will rank higher and higher.

So, if you've been focusing on the optimize-garbage-and-fool-the-spiders SEO
content strategy, you're about to get a rude awakening! Once your rankings
plummet, that junk content you're paying for will be a complete waste of
your money.

my motto is "Keep it simple" and "don't leave anything for tomorrow that can
be done today."

If you have any questions or comments please contact me.

Regards Gerald

Twitter: WebcraftGuru
Facebook: Webcraft Guru

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